Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Good Day, Mr. Kubrick

As long as we're posting stuff that already was on Boing Boing: this astonishingly pompous asshole's 1984 screen test for Full Metal Jacket is literally one of the top 5 funniest things I've ever seen on the internet. You watch his sidesplitting introductory remarks and you think "there's no way his actual audition could be funnier than this," and then it somehow is.

Peter Greenaway on YouTube

For the interested, there's a MeFi post up right now with links to tons of clips of Peter Greenaway lecturing on various topics.

Here he is on Bill Viola:

youTube link

Girl Who Eats Cats

I realize many of you probably saw this on Boing Boing, but I just couldn't resist putting it here for those who hadn't. Apparently she's some kind of japanese novelty/talent tv show circuit star.

Sunday, October 29, 2006


Fun create-your-own-Pollock-kind-of webpage. I just spent a good five minutes getting it to spell "Butt." In lieu of studying, of course.

(Via Crooks and Liars)

Friday, October 27, 2006

Staying Up Too Late on School Nights!

This is the opening sequence to the first episode ever of Late Night With Conan O'Brien, September 13, 1993. I got a kick out of noticing that in thirteen years there've been no changes made to the band, other than the cutting of several collective feet of hair.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Iraq Discovers Humor

The NYTimes profiled this wildly popular Iraqi answer to The Daily Show, which succeeds in making light of its nation's recent troubles with bloodshed and chaos. One of the show's standout comedic features is the fact that it's anchored by this guy:

Unreal Is Here!

Jiminy smokes! First Sebadoh announces a reunion tour, now another of the great 90s indie rock titans follows suit. Anyone wanna meet in San Francisco on December 30?

Sooo Scary

List of 13 Scary Album Covers. Yes, it's from the Onion, but it seemed good enough to post.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Not Chicken, Apparently

Robot determines people taste like bacon. So hopefully our future metal overlords will turn out to be vegetarians.

(Via Majikthise)

Friday, October 20, 2006

Maps of War

If anyone ever asks you why there is conflict in the middle east:
link to MapsOfWar.com

(via hotlinks

Thursday, October 19, 2006

"Scarlett Sings Tom Waits"

According to Fox news, there's a "Scarlett Johansson Record Deal in the Works". It's going to be an album of Tom Waits covers. Apparently, "Scarlett has a lovely, whispery delivery that carries a tune nicely."

(via Hotlinks)

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Hell House

My friend, Alex Timbers, with his usual coterie of other mutual friends in Les Freres Corbusier, is staging another spectacle in New York. Once again, it has been favorably, and visibly reviewed by the New York Times. Congratulations to him! Seems like Alice's CSI character could appear in Hell House.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

CSI: Bragdon

Alice Hill, late of Reed College, who was a dear dormie of mine freshman year, and my apartment roomie (though we were never ever there at the same time) senior year, and who is known personally to at least a few of the frequent contributors to this blog, such as Reid and Mike Campbell, is getting a juicy supporting role as a SuicideGirl accused of murder (I think) on the upcoming episode of CSI: NY.


So everybody tune in to CBS Wednesday night at 10. Check out da video preview; she's quite prominently featured.

This is fucking crazy!

New Kurt Cobain movie

About a Son preview

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Five Frame Story

Visual Story is a Flickr group in which you're supposed to tell a short narrative in five frames. Cool stuff. "Ride of your life" is probably my favorite thus far.

(Via MetaFilter)

Friday, October 13, 2006

This Is Our Nausea

Sorry to be monopolizing the blog today, but I just wanted to share this Slate crucifixion piece about a disgraceful new Chevy ad which has been running at least once an hour throughout the baseball playoffs, and which could not be more horrible. The commentary's a bit obvious if you've seen the ad itself, but I'm figuring most of you haven't, and it's worth reading the article just to be alerted to its unscruplous content.

It keeps stealing and stealing and...

Here's something trivial and stupid that comes as news to me.

Speaking of Trailers...

Thursday, October 12, 2006

"very unsanitary"

Daily Mail article specifically about Scarlett Johansson's sexual habits. Do I need to pitch it more than that? Really?

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

That Leg-Based Grenade Launcher Seems Pretty Cool

Grind House is an upcoming movie co-directed by Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriquez that bring the ultraviolence. The preview:

GooTube link

Stuffed Animals

Natasha Fadeeva makes incredibly cute stuffed animals.

The Right Reaction

Man in Poland farts in response to President, is arrested. See, this is the case for SPDs.

(Via Faux Real)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Shivah: The Video Game

The Shivah:

Here's the plot:

"Shivah is the Jewish mourning ritual. For a week after a family member's death, the family stays at home, receiving visitors, and mourning the deceased.

Rabbi Stone, this game's protagonist, leads a small and declining congregation on the Lower East Side. He receives word that a somewhat disreputable former congregant has died, and left his small estate to the synagogue. Though he himself is close to losing faith in God, he views it as his duty to investigate, and perhaps to comfort whatever family members this man may have as they sit Shivah."

Available from Manifesto Games.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Gimme Indie Rock!!!

That's right, Sebadoh is back. Gaffney and all. Let's all hope they come to a town near us; I've been waiting for twelve years to hear a live performance of Notsur Dnuora Selcric.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Now I can be a nerd anywhere

You know those couple hours a day you waste away from your computer not looking at wikipedia? No more, since you can download wikipedia to your iPod. It doesn't update automatically, and you can't listen to music at the same time, but still...

Battle of the Album covers

Silly animated short of fighting album covers

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Ayda Field Got Sexy and Famous

Those of you who've seen Studio 60 probably did not recognize this HW alumna as Jeannie, the cast sexbomb (cast of the show-within-the-show, that is). The last time I saw her (on Conan, about two years ago, plugging Blue Collar Comedy, to which I will not link, because it was atrocious), she looked not-as-good and more recognizable. When someone emerges after two years sexier and less recognizable, it generally means he/she has had work done. Although she doesn't display a lot of obvious bodily renovation. Who knows.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Keeping Up with the Sharkses

Yet another NYTimes link destined to die in time behind the pay wall, but here is an interesting little bit on repairing "The Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living." The video is quite surreal.