So I still don't know who to vote for in the primary. Last time around I voted for Kucinich, 'cause why not. This time, I'm still a little unsure. I'll vote for Clinton in the general if she wins--and I'll feel good about it, I imagine--but I'm not inclined to vote for her this time around. On tribal grounds, I almost have to vote for Obama--it's not often that you get to vote for someone that people will honestly say that you physically resemble only because you're also blackish, or something. But I haven't been terribly impressed with his campaign so far, and he's settling himself pretty solidly in the 'center' with Clinton. I'm also still convinced that he'll be assassinated, and I don't want to see that. On grounds of policy and pragmatism, I suppose I would vote for Edwards--he's got all the good proposals, all the good rhetoric, and he's turned into a pretty good campaigner, it seems. I think he'd wipe the floor with whatever creature the Opposition coughs up. He's also honest enough to apologize for mistakes made and recognizes that 'personal beliefs!=policy' holds. So if it's close and he's still in it, I will vote Edwards. Finally, Chris Dodd has been really throwing it down in the last few months, I think that should be recognized and supported.
Now, to verify my identity on the blog that we own for some reason.