Thursday, June 30, 2005

Wikipedia is on its game

Ninjas from Estonia.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Wednesday Pool Party

Hey Dudes-

I was thinking we could swim it olFPS style on Wednesday. Come over for swimming, Mario Kart, and whatever else we think of. Movies? Mini Golf? Heckling the absent Reid? As you wish it, it shall be. But do come in the evenin. 6ish?

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

My dad's blog: Borenstein's Law. I wouldn't naturally be the first one to say this, but it's actually really good.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Law School Update II

The big news for the weekend, falling somewhere after the Iranian elections and the fact that we still seem to be in some kind of war thingy, but ahead of the fact that my parents went for a walk today, is that I got into UCLA. I am really excited about this, partially because UCLA is a big step up in the law school world from where I was, and also because of all of the obvious advantages of being in L.A. Though I am still on other waiting lists, I am thinking of removing myself from them and committing to UCLA. I suppose that if one of the other schools called me tomorrow to let me know that they were giving me a full ride scholarship I would be tempted away (I assume they are all reading this post), but it looks likely that I have gotten my last acceptance letter. My plan right now is to leave Portland on 30-Jul and get back to L.A. the next day. I have jury duty on the first of August, and I will be visiting Megan in Boston sometime after that but before school starts on the 18th, and somewhere in there I would like to see everybody before I start classes. I will be sad to leave Portland, but it feels pretty nice to be going home.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

A kitten with two faces, born. In Oregon! (via MeFi)

Thursday, June 16, 2005


I've been reading some blog posts out there. People seem to be really nonplussed about this "witch playing a witch on tv" conceit. I haven't seen the movie, but I thought that sounded cute. Guess I'm a dumbass.

Anyway, I'm in LA from tomorrow to Monday moring. Let me know if you're about.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Trailer for The Brothers Grimm, Terry Gilliam's new movie

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

I'd like you all to join me in welcoming back Phil Jackson.

cats make women slutty, men scruffy

Simpsons movie on the way

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Vote At Dusk: PDXPOP Now! 2005

Hey Fellas-

Wow, the times be busy. Of course, I write this having spent a day seeing the new Miyazaki movie and basically sitting around doing nothing all night with Reid. But this kind of leisure is a necessary salve for the sleeplessness and productivity of my daily life. Things are very exciting as I enter my last week of the school year, get geared up for my first two friends' weddings (Chris Burke, Jon Braman), then head off to Greece with Meri, put on this year's PDXPOP festival and then record At Dusk's masterwork.

It's about the PDXPOP part that I'm posting. As you may recall, the booking is guided by the results of a public referendum, so if you could take a minute to vote, and then maybe take an extra minute to encourage your friends who are not us to vote, we would be some very happy cats. To do so, please see:

PDXPOP Now! Voting

The festival is looking to be pretty damn special this year. First exhibit: Pitchfork, the gold-standard in the indie music world, covered the comp and festival this week.

Also, I should add that I will be in LA from June 23 to July 1. See you there!

Friday, June 10, 2005

Putting stuff on cats

(via MeFi)

Did you know that Brian Eno created the Windows '95 startup sound. Once you go listen to it you'll remember it exactly and realize that it makes total sense that he did it.

Friday, June 03, 2005

actual quote

from a paper in complexity theory:

"the power of non-obliviousness is illustrated by..."