Fake Money
Forbes lists the richest fictional characters. Shouldn't Goto Dengo be on here as well?
(Via MetaFilter)
Forbes lists the richest fictional characters. Shouldn't Goto Dengo be on here as well?
In another brilliant move demonstrating Hollywood's winning strategy of driving away the core audience from the limited amount of quality product it has to offer, Peter Jackson has been removed from the film adaptation of The Hobbit. Read on.
Band practice, work, eating and all other extraneous activities are cancelled for the next month. I just got a Wii!
My copy of the new Pynchon tome "Against the Day" is en route, and while reading reviews I found the following list of names of minor characters: Ruperta Chirpingdon-Groin, Ellmore Disco, Stilton Gaspereaux, Chevrolette McAdoo, Ewball Oust, Lord and Lady Overlunch, and Eusapia Palladino. The following organizations are also involved: I.G.L.O.O. (Inter-Group Laboratory for Opticomagnetic Observation, "a radiational clearing-house"), I.M.R.O (the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization), L.A.H.D.I.D.A. (Las Animas-Huerfano Delegation of the Individual Defense Alliance), and T.W.I.T. (the True Worshippers of the Ineffable Tetractys). Also, it is 1120 pages long.
Gargantuan mining machine eats bulldozers. I wonder what kind of horn system this thing is toting?
A thought I just had: who's going to be the first kid who learns that there's no Santa Claus from Wikipedia? How many such casualties have there already been?
All you LearnedLeague message board readers have probably already seen this, but for the rest of you:
What American accent do you have? Your Result: The West Your accent is the lowest common denominator of American speech. Unless you're a SoCal surfer, no one thinks you have an accent. And really, you may not even be from the West at all, you could easily be from Florida or one of those big Southern cities like Dallas or Atlanta. | |
The Midland | |
Boston | |
North Central | |
The Inland North | |
Philadelphia | |
The South | |
The Northeast | |
What American accent do you have? |
After giving 4 stars to Weezer's 'Make Believe'—which is literally the worst album I've ever heard—and then giving 5 stars to YET ANOTHER Bob Dylan record, I thought Rolling Stone had really completely sold the last of the few journalistic credentials it had left, and cemented its position as a transparent arm of the Recording Industry, in all of its most frightfully conservative capitalist baby-boomer aspects. Its job now seems to consist in giving rave reviews—seemingly without going to the trouble of listening to the material first—to established moneymakers, and ignoring altogether everyone below, say, the level of fame associated with performing on Saturday Night Live. If nothing else, the LAST thing they seemed capable of doing, under any circumstances, was publishing a negative review.
If I didn't know better, I'd have to say that the internet consists almost exclusively of
50 Worst Video Game Names:
This Slate explainer answers the question that a bunch of us walked out of the movie asking. Turns out that they do it through incredibly shady pseudo-legal consent agreements that purposefully mask their real project. I think this puts a pretty fat thumb on one side of the scale in the balancing of the ethical issues involved. . .
So, some time ago, Scott Adams (creator of Dilbert) came down with Spasmodic Dysphonia, a voice disorder that prevents speaking in certain situations. He lost the ability to speak outside of certain bizzarre contexts (public speaking, singing, etc.). It's supposed to be permanent. Well, apparently,