Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Stayin' Alive in '05

So, firstly, I'm in LA now too, so anyone who cares to get a hold of me can easily do so. Be here until the 3rd.

As for New Year's: I hear-tell from a certain Tyson-named guy among us that Derek has offered the use of his place. This needs to be confirmed. If he doesn't come through (I'll try to get a hold of him soon), does anyone else feel ready to step up and provide us with a location?

Has anyone heard from Sam recently? What's the deal with him these days?

Saturday, December 25, 2004


I'm here now. Who else is here? Is the plan for New Year's still Frodo and wine? Where will Frodo and wine take place?

I'm in L.A. tonight and tomorrow. I'm moving into my place in San Diego on Monday and will be down there for most of the week. I well definitely be back up here by Friday at the latest and for New Year's.

Friday, December 24, 2004

My Brother's Nightmare

I'm in Florida right now, spending Christmastime with my family down/out (down and out?) here. While I don't know any of the details, as he can't remember them, my brother told me about the most amazing "nightmare" he had the other night.

He dreamt of a bear driving a car out of a lake.

It really freaked him out, but he can laugh about it now. I would kill for dreams like this.

Saturday, December 18, 2004


I have one exam to take and one to grade. I've been working basically since July without a break. I'm so tired it's stupid. It's just silly that anyone could be expected to do math for this long.

I'll be back in LA after the 23rd. What's the story with those folks who were thinking of staying up north?

Back to field extensions. This is deep stuff that should excite me. But not now.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Where I'm At

a.) it's a totally trite opinion, one that has been propounded thousands of times by the media and by rock listeners, from the passionate to the casual, over the years,

b.) I've already done my own share of propounding this past week by way of a Friendster bulletin,

c.) I tend to go through phases, short-lived and ferociously obsessive, in my own listening habits, during which I have a tendency to speak in superlatives when discussing whichever artist has become my flavor of the month,


Nirvana was so --- FUCKING --- good. In compiling my uber-dork masterpiece list of my top 500 favorite songs, I came to listen to Nirvana with fresh ears for the first time in more than five years, and GODDAMN. It's no wonder why they were the biggest rock band in the world. Pop was so indescribably ready for them. Kurt was a true original. Every song they ever wrote fucking crackled. Even Hairspray Queen. And I will forever owe them a debt for having cleared for me the path to indie rock and punk.

I'll be in LA on Sunday, staying through New Year's. Let's get drunk and watch all three Lord of the Rings extended cut DVDs in succession.

On a related note: guess who's not as good as Nirvana? Every band on the radio today. And I'm out.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Tuesday (cont'd)

Well, I completed my last flight today. In NFO land that means I've been soft-winged (I get to wear my leather wings on my flight suit). I have my official winging ceremony on Friday. My parents and sister are comin out to see that. I should be outta here by mid-next week and home by next Friday.

After I got done, I went to the base store and bought me some metal wings and my very own copy of The Great Santini.

Hope everyone else is having as fun of a Tuesday as Cameron and I are!

-Mikey aka Pukey aka Ragu aka Chunks aka Crash aka Crunch aka Shrapnel aka Fat Chick


Hello kids,
Today, I thought the last question on Learned League was cute. Also I bought a computer, my old one having been stolen some weeks ago.

Monday, December 13, 2004

Internet Fun

Hey Dudemen-

I'm on this Top 10 of various things of 2004 list of Paul Bost and his cronies. Here is a post someone made that has some entertaining time wasters:

10 things I remember laughing at on the internet (in no real order).

1) http://www.ritilan.com/archives/2004/12/08/10.26.46/index.html
"I wonder what the f*** the real dialogue is..."

2) This is so odd.  No, a ghost doesn't pop up.  even better.  Try it. 
Go to Google, type "google" into the search box, and click the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button. Repeat.

3) I generally dislike morbid humor, but I love a good aphorism and these were particularly pithy.  http://www.deathslang.com/
"Free sex for those who dig" and "the Notorious D.O.A." stuck out to me for some reason.

4) Who can be mad at Angry Kittens?
http://www.rathergood.com/ has gotten a lot of play, but this was very funny back in the day.  For some reason, the angry kitten playing the vines reminds me of Jack Parmelee.  The best is the Immigrant Song, which I couldn't find on the site.  You can see the bootleg version here: http://users3.ev1.net/~darktomb/valhalla/

5) "Do you use your powers for good? or for awesome?"  http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail.html

6) Not really funny, just the best mp3 I sampled from the internets this year (by far) http://www.illegal-art.org/audio/grey.html

7) Biggest let down... I remember those halcyon days in October when I first dreamed that I was getting to know the real Nick Nolte.  Turns out, this version is way better than the original.

(my favorite post)
August 19, 2004
How does a 1971 Vega break down on the left hand lane of the 405? Forget about the fact I could get wiped out by some stiff fish in his BMW going 85 per, but the god damn LA summer is in full tilt and I nearly got cooked before I reached the nearest filling station. AAA would have been a good idea but the name of that operation stirs my drink a little stiff, if you will pardon the expression diary.

8) I had forgotten how much I loved "the Incredible Mr. Limpet" hanks to el presidente for inspiring this one.  http://www.dubyamovie.com/

9) This is what I really want for Christmas http://www.mattracks.com/html/video_clips.htm

10) ivy league school spirit.  http://www.harvardsucks.org/

Sunday, December 05, 2004


I thought some of you -- Cameron -- might appreciate this in the NY Times magainze (if that link didn't work (it was supposed to go directly to the slideshow) try this one to go to the magazine index page). It is beautiful and reminds me of high school math with Mr. O'Connor and that weird Australian I had whose name I don't remember (Will?).

Saturday, December 04, 2004


You Boing-Boing types will already have seen this, but it's pretty spectacular. A new career for Reid?


On an unrelated note, is there anyone out there who does not play learned league yet, but would like to be recommended for next season? www.learnedleague.com
