Hey Dudemen-
I'm on this Top 10 of various things of 2004 list of Paul Bost and his cronies. Here is a post someone made that has some entertaining time wasters:
10 things I remember laughing at on the internet (in no real order).
1) http://www.ritilan.com/archives/2004/12/08/10.26.46/index.html
"I wonder what the f*** the real dialogue is..."
2) This is so odd. No, a ghost doesn't pop up. even better. Try it.
Go to Google, type "google" into the search box, and click the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button. Repeat.
3) I generally dislike morbid humor, but I love a good aphorism and these were particularly pithy. http://www.deathslang.com/
"Free sex for those who dig" and "the Notorious D.O.A." stuck out to me for some reason.
4) Who can be mad at Angry Kittens?
http://www.rathergood.com/ has gotten a lot of play, but this was very funny back in the day. For some reason, the angry kitten playing the vines reminds me of Jack Parmelee. The best is the Immigrant Song, which I couldn't find on the site. You can see the bootleg version here: http://users3.ev1.net/~darktomb/valhalla/
5) "Do you use your powers for good? or for awesome?" http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail.html
6) Not really funny, just the best mp3 I sampled from the internets this year (by far) http://www.illegal-art.org/audio/grey.html
7) Biggest let down... I remember those halcyon days in October when I first dreamed that I was getting to know the real Nick Nolte. Turns out, this version is way better than the original.
(my favorite post)
August 19, 2004
How does a 1971 Vega break down on the left hand lane of the 405? Forget about the fact I could get wiped out by some stiff fish in his BMW going 85 per, but the god damn LA summer is in full tilt and I nearly got cooked before I reached the nearest filling station. AAA would have been a good idea but the name of that operation stirs my drink a little stiff, if you will pardon the expression diary.
8) I had forgotten how much I loved "the Incredible Mr. Limpet" hanks to el presidente for inspiring this one. http://www.dubyamovie.com/
9) This is what I really want for Christmas http://www.mattracks.com/html/video_clips.htm
10) ivy league school spirit. http://www.harvardsucks.org/