Follow-Up: Roger Doesn't Look So Good

Poor Roger Ebert. He is one tough, dedicated, good-natured bastard. (Link)
Labels: ebert movies cancer
Labels: ebert movies cancer
Guy gets angry playing the hardest Super Mario Bros. level ever. Much funnier than you'd expect.
Labels: games mario funny profane
This is utterly hilarious. Has a President ever before been so despised that the plans for his library are blocked? This thing is gonna end up being The George Walker Bush Presidential Sam's Club of Lubbock, which would be all too fitting.
Labels: bush library smu texas president
Buzz Aldrin punches guy in the face. He was about 72 at the time. In my opinion, Aldrin could not get more awesome were he to sneeze tacos and fart naked supermodels.
Labels: clip funny astronaut
The 40th anniversary of his column at the Chicago Sun-Times just passed and he wrote a nice little piece about recovering from complications from surgery for salivary cancer. Amongst other travails, he had a tracheotomy and lost his voice. . .
Photo gallery of a bunch of baby animals. I think I just became hyperglycemic.
Labels: animals cute photos