Vanilla's Menagerie
From a Washington Post interview with Vanilla Ice:
Washington, D.C.: I understand that you have both a pet kangaroo and a lynx. Where did you get such exotic pets?
Vanilla Ice: Ya, it's funny how people found out -- my kangaroo got loose. It was on CNN and I was in London at the time. I have a goat, too. The goat pushed the gate open with his head and they both got out and ran around. And the goat and the kangaroo never parted. The whole entire time.
Long story short, I got all these people wondering what's going on. When I got home I couldn't find my kangaroo and I turn on the TV and it's on the news. I called animal control and let them know who it was -- and it became this big deal. I'm still laughing at it.
I have a class2 permit. I have monkees, the lynx, goat, kangaroo. The kangaroo is a sweetheart. We bottlefed him. He doesn't kick or box.
After this whole deal I got this call from Hollywood and I was on Entertainment Tonight about it. They thought it was kind of "different" that I had a kangaroo and some folks wanted to do a movie about it. So now it's going to be a cartoon on Adult Swim as "Bucky and Poncho's Great Adventure" and it should be on in April or May. I'm also going on another thing for Adult Swim -- on the Family Guy -- as Vanilla Christ and singing "Christ Christ Baby" -- but it's nothing against religion.
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