Saturday, April 30, 2005

Sin city

First of all,

"I feel like my apartment contains one real object and a bunch of laughable simulacra. Like my coffemaker, for instance. That thing has never seemed stupider"

is some funny shit, dog.

In other news, I'm sitting in my fucking office on a Saturday grading fucking quizzes in fulfillment of those obligations pursuant to the salary in excess of 14K a year paid me by the ingrate state of California. But last night, I saw Sin City with Mira. I have never read the comic books. Maybe that would make the movie more compelling. For the moment, I submit the following question: Why is it that even an artsy action movie is explicitly and stridently based victimization of women? Is there some irony here I'm missing. Interpreting this thing ironically doesn't really suit. Oh well.


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