Mark Ruffalo to star in adaptation of Blindness, directed by Fernando Meirelles. Ruffalo, Meirelles and Saramago. This could be quite exciting.
Mark Ruffalo to star in adaptation of Blindness, directed by Fernando Meirelles. Ruffalo, Meirelles and Saramago. This could be quite exciting.
Am I alone in thinking that a film adaptation of Blindness sounds kind of... impossible? Any efforts to accurately present the story onscreen would have a pretty robust irony to contend with, namely: how do you portray a totally non-visual narrative—a narrative about not seeing—visually? Not that I don't trust this team, but the only conceivably faithful film adaptation of the novel would be two hours of blank white screen with a bunch of hysterical shouting on the soundtrack.
Good point, Will. Let's get together and make such an adaptation and post it on YouTube. I bet we could get Vincent Gallo to help.
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