Friday, January 20, 2006

Best Music Videos of 2005

Just to prove that someone other than Greg is still capable of posting to this thing, I thought I'd post a link to someone's list of the 65 Best Music Videos of 2005 - all downloadable - that I was pretty excited about strolling through.

I hope you dudes are all doing well, having missed you Angelenos at New Year's/Holiday time, when I was in Florida visiting that branch of Team Clarke, and then in San Francisco for Meri's best medschool friend's wedding.

All is going grand here in duckville - even the totally juggernaut rain isn't bothering me. It's back into the studio for vocals next week, and we're all pretty excited about finishing recording the record in February, getting it mastered at Silver Sonya (the people who do all of the Discord stuff and in fact play in Beauty Pill and Aloha), and hopefully having an actual CD dude in late March/early April, to be celebrated by touring the West in April/May.

Still working at Parkrose and enjoying that (more on that at my blog), starting planning this year's PDXPop Now! and filling the lives of others with laughter and joy. Except when they don't fill the Brita, when I go apeshit on their ass. Or when I'm watching TV shows, which means I can't be distracted.

Hope you dudes continue to rule the school.

Carpax Habersnatch


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