Friday, May 13, 2005

The H(W)uffington Post

I don't know if you guys have been reading the Huffington Post - Arianna Huffington's new parade of various celebrities waxing about politics and society, but I've been enjoying it. As I was combing it tonight, I found that two of the invited contributors are former associates of ours:

Naomi Foner - Jake Gyllenhaal's mom
Mike Piscal - the former Middle School teacher who went and founded some progressive public schools in SC LA

How are you guys doing lately? I'm definitely overloaded these days with At Dusk, PDXPOP and teaching, but that's all great stuff. The summer - specifically, the free time and the weather it will bring - is looking pretty good right now. In good news, Meri and I are planning on taking a 2-week-or-so trip to Greece in early July to celebrate our 10 year anniversary. We're hoping to make it a cycling trip as well. Has anyone been there and have recommendations? In worse news, you might have noticed I am not playing Learned League this season. I registered a day late and didn't make it this round, which is too bad.

Lastly, has anyone heard any good records this year? We of the Portland persuasion have found it slim pickins. My favorite reccord so far this year is "Tranistor Radio" by Portland M. Ward. Two great discoveries I've made are pop music from 60s and 70s Ethiopia (there's a great series of these called Ethiopiques - start with vol. 3 - and the album "The Lemon of Pink" by "The Books"

Hope you dudes are doing it fine.


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