Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Does this work?

I'm not listed as one of the contributors to this blog yet, so I was just trying to see if publishing a post would rectify that. I'm hungry. It's about time to make that tofu in caramel sauce.

Cameron, from whence came the expression "raving shit-monster?" It sounds like something I'd say; I'm just blanking on the context. Or is that information too sensitive to disclose in such a public forum?


Blogger Cameron said...

I think 'raving shit monster' was your appraisal of The Hours. I thought it was a little harsh. (Actually, I thought it was a lot hars--or more likely, more ardent than the movie deserved; like some folks' vicious hatred of Chuck and Buck. Oh well.) But 'raving shit monster' has a lot of noble uses, as you can see.

Also, you are now listed as one of the contributors.

5:35 PM  

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